This will not approach close to 1000 words, but I can try to put together a picture.
I have bruises all over my legs from active climbing while playing woodchips.
I have sore feet from being barefoot on surfaces like gravel and forest trails on which people were not meant to be barefoot.
I have sunburn on my face from long amounts of time in the pool, even though I applied sunscreen. (Skin cancer is serious.)
I will be delighted to sleep on a bed instead of on a sleeping bag separated from the ground by only a thin layer of tent.
I will not want to wake up for work tomorrow because my body will be recovering from long days divided by nights spent on a sleeping bag separated from the ground by only a thin layer of tent.
I should stretch, because if I don't, my legs will be angry at me in the morning.
I have a sore neck from trying to find creative positions to sleep while in the car.
I have a wonderful family.
I love vacation.
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