Sunday, May 19, 2013


I've always been kind of a freak when it comes to summer. I like humidity, but loathe heat. I get bored and listless when I'm not in a learning environment. And I'll probably read more in the summer than I do during the school year.

One trick I figured out a few years ago was to assign myself goals -- or, shall I say, deadlines? -- to complete before the end of summer.  A lot of the ideas spring out of things I want to accomplish, but don't have the time or means to do when I'm at school. In the past I've successfully sewn a dress, completed a summer version of NaNoWriMo, and even sufficiently motivated myself to clean and organize a closet full of craft supplies. I'm interested in seeing what this summer will turn up.

On my reading list:
  • Pillars of the Earth, by Ken Follett (I saw it at Barnes and Noble and it's been in the back of my mind ever since)
  • 10,000 Leagues Under the Sea and a bunch of other stuff by Jules Verne. Have been meaning to get to it for a while.
  • The Emperor's Soul by Brandon Sanderson
  • Shades of Milk and Honey and the rest of the series by Mary Robinette Kowal
  • Forgotten God by Francis Chan. Required reading, but I'm looking forward to it.
  • A reread of good old Pride and Prejudice.
  • Relatedly, a Jane Austen biography.
  • A partial reread of the complete and unabridged Les Misérables -- got it for my birthday and haven't had time to finish it, though I've read a mostly-unabridged version.
  • Lots more I've probably forgotten
On my to-do list:
  • Practice my taekwando to the point of being better than where I left off at school. I'm just barely a yellow belt and I probably won't start lessons again until I get back.
  • Finish crocheting a pair of opera sleeves
  • Tame the barn kittens!
  • Help family with house projects -- new drywall, refinishing floors, etc.
  • Listen to a backlogged year of Writing Excuses, a favorite podcast
  • And, most importantly, finish the novel.
 These things will be combating the all-important GET A JOB that is currently screaming at me, but right now, my summer is undetermined. Totipotent, if you will. (Plant bio still has not banished itself from my mind.)

My home state of Iowa has welcomed me back with thunderstorms and tornado watches. I'm embracing the humidity and current lack of heat. God willing, I will make this into a beautiful summer full of learning and new experiences.

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